DoorTronix is home of premium quality Industrial/Commercial doors. With over 13 years of experience in the industry, DoorTronix provides innovative and unique service and products solutions. We Set The Benchmark!
Our team of trained and certified technical staff excel in delivering swift, professional, and efficient service. We custom manufacture all our Roller Shutter Doors according to customer requirements and site specifications. Available in galvanised steel, our roller shutter doors can also be powder coated with a wide range of standard and special colours to perfectly match any building or home.
At DoorTronix, we offer a variety of industrial products to meet your specific needs:
Contemporary Roller Shutters: Our modern roller shutters blend functionality and aesthetics, offering a stylish solution for your industrial door needs.
Fire Rated Roller Shutters: Our SABS approved SANS Class C, 2-hour rated industrial doors are constructed from galvanised interlock steel slats. Designed to protect goods from fires between buildings for a minimum of 2 hours, these shutters are a must-have for any industrial setting.
Solid Roller Shutters: Constructed from galvanised interlocking steel slats, our solid slatted roller shutters offer high security along with a clean aesthetic appeal.
Punched Steel Roller Shutters: Our punched steel roller shutters are perfect for those looking for a balance between security and visibility.
Innovative Fire Protection Solutions Our Fire Rated Roller shutters are designed with safety in mind:
Fusible Link (Manual) Shutters: These shutters are designed to stay in the open position at all times and will automatically close when the fusible link detonates at 100 C, thereby closing the fire-proof curtain.
Electrically Operated (Automated) Shutters: These shutters are interfaced with the building’s existing fire detection system or fire panel. The fire signal will activate the motor and close the fire shutter in the event of a fire or the back up fusible link.
At DoorTronix, we believe in providing our customers with the best. Contact us today for your industrial and commercial door needs.

<span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(17, 17, 17); font-family: -apple-system, Roboto, SegoeUI, " segoe="" ui",="" "helvetica="" neue",="" helvetica,="" "microsoft="" yahei",="" "meiryo="" meiryo,="" "arial="" unicode="" ms",="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 16px;"="">With over 13 years of experience, DoorTronix offers high-quality industrial and commercial doors. Our products include Contemporary Roller Shutters, Fire Rated Roller Shutters, Solid Roller Shutters, and Punched Steel Roller Shutters. Contact us today for your industrial door needs in the following areas: